Hello, I am so glad you are here to peruse my website.
Please let me know if I can answer any questions. Use the Contact link at the bottom of all my pages to send me an email.
My artistic approach to painting mimics that of a collection. 
Welcome to my collection! 

In•tu•i•tive Ab•stracts

When I paint intuitively I choose very little. I may mark the page before I lay paint down, I may choose a color palette, I may choose a medium. For me, the journey and the enjoyment are about the process that the blank canvas, panel, or page affords me. Being in the moment with no predetermined idea or direction in mind allows me to be
creative and have fun.

Ab•stract Land•scapes

Using multiple techniques and materials, I paint abstract landscapes that cause you
to see a glimpse of a place you
may recognize and wish to experience.


Or•gan•ic Flow

By exploring the viscosity and densities of different colors, and multiple fluid mediums, I produce images that resemble organic marvels of nature.

Ab•stract Blooms

The only limitation is my imagination.
Fantasy flowers evolve through the manipulation of mixed media resulting in abstract representational images that can be construed as blooms.

Ec•lec•tic Mod•ern

These whimsical and eclectic mixed media paintings are created using a variety of techniques and styles. Elements including color, value, texture, and shape create connections between memories of the past and experiences of the present.


Using layers of multiple artworks, I create contradictions of order and perceptions by manipulating digital images and mixed media.

Encaustic close up 3 - 1.jpeg


The use of macro photography creates a different lens for viewing pieces of my artwork that can then be reproduced
on a larger scale.